
A Mixed-Media installation based on consuming digital media in the modern age.

*The Photographs on this page are interactive and take you to different pages when you tap them.*


Many take great comfort in the way their lives play out daily. Without question and without second thought for the actions transpiring. Modern life involves the digital realm, a new frontier has emerged for society to explore and to grapple with. We consume media as voraciously as we consume food when we grow starved, the mind is delicate, and insatiable for rewards. This delicate balance cannot be kept, and the mind can never be fully satiated by current media. As users of media where is the line for what is consumed, or consuming your being?

 Industrial, cold are the devices and materials fueling this frontier, ever refined into more user-friendly shapes, for ease of use and smooth delivery. This evolution of media and its consumption is something to explore as the effects of this binge are not fully understood on the mind. It is potent and refined as a new vice digital, as compared to older vices of the past like alcohol, drugs, and gambling where sufferers have visible signs, this suffering is invisible and not discussed. Now with the cloud and the ever-refined delivery tools there is an invisible convenience. Society is hands free and tidy; this installation is showcasing this invisible tether to devices and media. Reality is the hidden baggage; I want you to take a second thought when mindlessly scrolling through your preferred media hit and think “am I consuming or is this consuming me?”

Encapsulating the raw stimulus and feeding the audience as if they were naturally consuming media doesn’t break the normal convention nor stirs the conversation. The installation infiltrates then invades the viewers senses provoking thoughts about media consumption. The scale of the installation is a metaphor on how prevalent consumption of media is. The monolith looms over the figures conveying the number of stimuli a person takes on without realizing bringing the true nature of the physicality to bare. The heavy subjects are made into normalized digestible shorts until we are desensitized. This normalization is cementing our attention. Showcasing this petrifying nature of media, the figures are concrete, fully immobile as they consume the media from the monolith from which they are attached; bringing to attention how the invisible tethers have a hold on us. This is an invitation to the audience to answer the question; how do we change the way we consume media and unplug?

Artist Statement

Tap a Photo to go to the complete list.

Aster. Mixed-Media Figure.

Tantalus. Mixed-Media Figure.

Monolith. Steel and consumer electronics.

The Pieces